Software Application


Here are some of the software applications that I came up with and develop. Most of these involve website development with NextJS Framework, TailwindCSS, and Flask. Since I am relatively new to this, these projects are made to improve and further my software development skills.

Fablr - Visual Novels with GPT-3.5 & DALL-E

* Developed a website that is capable of generating visual novels powered by GPT 3.5 and DALL-E API.
* Utilized NextJS and TailwindCSS to design the website front end and story layout.
* Processed and deployed GPT 3.5 and DALL-E backend using Flask

Fablr - Visual Novels with GPT-3.5 & DALL-E

QuizForge - MCQ Quiz Generator

* Built a web application that makes a Multiple Choice Questions quiz out of any context.
* Prompt-engineered ChatGPT to generate a personalized quiz from text-based materials or documents.
* Designed a flexible user input and an interactive Multiple Choice Questions UI using NextJS and TailwindCSS.

QuizForge - MCQ Quiz Generator


Maple is a mobile application that helps students perform better when self-studying. Maple works as a virtual assistant. At first, it is required to enter the user’s current study progress. Once entered, it will tell a user whether he/she performs well or not. If not, it will suggest some practice videos related to certain subjects that the user needs to improve. Furthermore, users can chat with Maple if they need advice or better recommendations, or simply chat to get to know each other more.



This is where it is. Folium is the my web portfolio as well as my first website that I have developed totally on my own.


🖥️ Created by niekky


Folium GitHub 🚀