Embedded Software & Rocketry


These works involve High-Power Rocketry and Rocket Avionics developed in Embedded C with STM32. These projects were made to allow Sun Devil Rocketry’s rocket to utilize some features such as dual deployment, logging flight state estimation, and GPS coordination.

Intro Team L1 High-power Rocket

* Built a high-power rocket from cardboard strengthened by fiberglass, L1 motor, drogue and main parachutes.
* Simulated a rocket performance using OpenRocket. Designed an electronic bay containing an altimeter and 9-volt battery using Solidwork.
* Launched successfully on the Sun Devil Rocketry Intro Team Launch Day 2023

Intro Team L1 High-power Rocket

Inertia Measurement Unit Driver

Implementation of the MPU9250 IMU Driver in C from scratch for the organization Flight Computer Firmware. We tested this driver and it successfully collected flight state estimation of the organization rocket from the launch on January 2023

Inertia Measurement Unit Driver

🖥️ Created by niekky


Folium GitHub 🚀